A heating solution for creating the desired temperature gradient in long metal pipes.
In order to perform experiments, Scientific Research Institutes require a precise temperature gradient on long metal objects, usual pipes with a 6-18 inch diameter. Temperatures can go up to 1000°C and must be accurate within 1°C.
Libratherm offers a multi-zone heating system with up to 20 individually controllable zones. These zones are used to heat up a specific section of the object to a specific temperature. Each zone is individually controlled with a closed-loop system.
Heaters in each zone are connected to a Thyristor Power Controller - POW-1-PA which controls the power delivery proportional to the control signal. This power controller receives its control signal from a Temperature Controller - PID-966, which uses a robust control algorithm to achieve precise temperature control. The Temperature Controller takes the temperature feedback from the zone using a K-Type Thermocouple thereby forming a closed loop. When several such zones are brought together in a heating system, a temperature gradient can be achieved across the object by setting the desired temperature of each zone.
Additionally, current meters are provided to monitor the current drawn by each zone. An Auto/Manual selection along with manual heater control is also provided for each zone. Keeping in mind the ergonomics of a laboratory setup, the Control Panel is designed in the most compact way possible.