Thyristor Power Switches also known as SCR Power Switches are based on the concept of zero crossover switching. They are designed to control power delivery by turning the AC power ON and OFF proportional to the control signal. These switches incorporate a Silicon Rectifier (SCR) or Thyristor as the primary controlling device. The zero crossover triggering circuit provides gate cathode firing pulses to control the delivery of power. They feature an adjustable cycle time which determines the ON and OFF periods of the Thyristor device with respect to the control signal level.
Thyristor Power Switches are an excellent replacement for legacy electromechanical contactors. They don’t cause any arcing/sparking or generate harmonic distortion. Unlike conventional contactors, Thyristor Power Switches can accept logic pulses or analog signals which are then converted into equivalent PWM logic pulses.
Libratherm offers Thyristor Power Switches ranging from 10A to 1000A load. They can be paired with Libratherm's PID Controllers and Ramp Soak Controllers for precise temperature control for various applications.
Some of the applications where Libratherm Power Switches are successfully implemented: